Saturday, January 24, 2009

NDSAG Conference 2009 (Draft programme - January)

Asking the right questions in the right way:

re-evaluating alcohol research and treatment for the 21st century



Stranmillis College, Belfast

Thursday 23 April 2009


Conference Opening Session: Chair: Robin Davidson

Welcome to Belfast

14.00 NDSAG Chair’s Welcome & Introduction: Alex Copello

14.05 Introduction to the Conference: Robin Davidson

14.15 Opening Presentation Lawrence Kirkpatrick

Lawrence is Professor of theological history at Queens

University, Belfast: making the keynote opening

presentation – placing our conference in the local context

15.30 Tea & Biscuits Break

16.15 New Directions for the New Directions Group: Doug Cameron &

views from the past … Ron McKechnie

Doug & Ron are two of the founding members of NDSAG

17.00 Alcohol interventions: a personal view Nick Heather

Nick is President of NDSAG

17.45 Conference announcements: Alex Copello

18.45 Conference Reception

The first evening reception is a traditional feature of the New Directions annual conference. The event is designed to welcome all delegates, including those who have been regular members of New Directions and particularly those attending for the first time. Complementary pre-dinner drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are available.The emphasis is on meeting informally with as many of the other delegates, including established members, committee members and speakers, early in the conference. New Directions has always sought to promote active participation, because this improves our experience of the conference and helps develop personal, professional networks.

19.30 Dinner

Friday 24 April 2009

Friday Morning Session:


9.00 Asking the right questions in the right way Jim Orford

Keynote conference presentation: Jim develops his

thesis – first published in Addiction 2008

10.00 A complementary perspective: mutual aid Keith Humphreys

The experience of self help movements

11.00 Coffee & Biscuits Break

11.30 Learning from one another Tim Leighton

The effectiveness of group interventions

12.00 UKATT – beyond the outcomes Alex Copello

Qualitative processes in the United Kingdom

Alcohol Treatment Trial

12.30 Evidence based decision making in alcohol treatment Gillian Tober

Implementing proven methodologies and practise

13.00 Lunch

Friday Afternoon Session:

14.00 Asking the right questions Pip Mason

Participative exercise. Facilitated working groups to

develop the keynote presentations and assess their

implications for real world practise

15.30 Tea & Biscuits Break

16.00 Meaningful Outcome Measures Duncan Raistrick

Reflections: responding to the ‘right questions’ challenges.

Theory & treatment delivery and the impact of treatment.


19.00 Dinner

Saturday 25th April 2008

Saturday Morning Session:

Alcohol Education Research Council (AERC) Symposium: Ray Hodgson

Contemporary reports on the Night-time Economy from AERC supported research:

9.00 The AERC & high impact cutting edge research Ray Hodgson

9.15 Cardiff Community Interventions: Measures, Methods, Theories and Outcomes

Dr Simon Moore

9.45 From Lose - Lose to Win - Win:The Birmingham “Route 50” Initiative Annette Fleming

10.15 The Glasgow Community Prevention Trial:Changing a Culture Takes Time. Stevie Lydon

10.45 AERC session Review Ray Hodgson

11.00 Coffee & Biscuits Break

11.30 The Belfast Genetics trial Diana Patterson

Learning from a major international genetics trial

12.00 Title & speaker to be confirmed To be confirmed

12.30 AA – a very Irish organisation Shane Butler

A perspective from the Irish republic

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Saturday Afternoon - Self Directed Learning Opportunities

Conference delegates identify and pursue individual learning objectives in collaboration with colleagues with facilitation and support from the conference organisers as required.

19.00 Dinner

20.30 Evening Entertainment

A Social Event for All Delegates

Sunday 26th April 2008

Sunday Morning Session:

9.30 The addiction to myth John Davies

Déjà vu and tautology all over again

10.00 Applying the drugs agenda to alcohol…… David Best

Heresy – does drugs research have anything to offer

10.30 Naughty but NICE Eileen Kaner

Don’t blame the messenger – developing good guidelines

11.30 Coffee & Biscuits Break

12.00 MATCH vs UKATT Robin Davidson &

Advance peek at a forthcoming comparison study Nick Heather

12.20 Planning the New Directions Conference 2010

Traditional end to a NDSAG conference: a planning session and wish list to inform the organisation of the next conference, which in 2010 will be held in Norfolk.

13.00 Conference Closes

The New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group (NDSAG) has provided a safe environment where alcohol practitioners, researchers & service managers have explored and debated contemporary challenges in the field since the mid 1970s.

Our 2009 conference theme was launched by Jim Orford in 2008. Rather than researching techniques and treatment technologies researchers should examine how treatment interacts with change processes. An inclusive paradigm would consider change over realistic (longer) time scales paying due heed to service users’ experiences and require alcohol treatment research to connect with modern, wider scientific theory.

For 2009 we are also delighted to feature an AERC research symposium.

We welcome new and returning members & delegates to the NDSAG 2009 conference in Belfast and we will do our best to ensure you enjoy yourselves.

New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group: Charity No: 281393

You can download PDFs of the conference programme and booking form.

NDSAG reserves the right to amend the conference programme as opportunities and circumstances permit and require. For conference booking details and further information please contact the 2009 NDSAG Conference Secretary Carol Driver +44 (0) 141 548 4507

or visit our website: