Malvern 2006 Abbey Hotel, Malvern. Thursday 6th – Sunday 9th April 2006
The X Factor: The Search For the Missing Ingredient in Alcohol Treatment
The 30th Anniversary Conference of the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group
Keynote Speaker: Professor Carlo DiClemente
In 2006 our 30th anniversary conference addresses the search for those elusive factors which make the difference in delivering successful interventions and help for people with alcohol problems. Acknowledging the importance of evidence based practice New Directions looks beyond the received and broadcast wisdom to identify how we can genuinely make a difference. This is an event designed to develop dialogue and address the needs of Commissioners, Managers, Practitioners and Researchers. We welcome new and returning members & delegates to NDSAG 2006 and will do our best to ensure a stimulating and enjoyable conference experience.