Alcohol Matters... Learning from Scottish Experiences
Wednesday 23rd - Saturday 26th April 2014
Venue: Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, Dundee, Scotland
The conference featured three distinct research symposiums:
Will Independence Change Scotland’s Relationship with Alcohol?
What researchWhat Price a Unit? An exploration of Minimum Unit Pricing research
Interventions focusInterventions and research focus - an in-depth look at the broad base of Scottish Alcohol Brief Interventions research
Prof. Jonathan Chick (Queen Margaret’s University)
Prof. John Booth Davies (University of Strathclyde)
Andrew McAuley (NHS Health Scotland)
Mike Inglis (Governor, HMP Perth)
Dr Robert Peat (Care Inspectorate)
Prof. Niamh Fitzgerald (Robert Gordon’s Univesity)
The Sheffield Alcohol Research Group
Tayside Council on Alcohol
Here you can read a personal summary of the Dundee conference produced by me for the final session, where we plan future conferences,